
Exciting Futures Ahead
We l​​ive longer than previous generations but are you planning for retirement early enough?
Retirement creates opportunities and challenges, but funding retirement is confusing
Benefit from our experience, insight and judgement and secure your future with our tailored pension plans and retirement investment strategies
Pension Options
Complementing Government State Pensions are two other pensions:
Defined contribution – based on how much money has been paid into your pension pot
Defined benefit (final salary or career average) – based on your salary and how long you’ve worked for your employer
​The value of pensions can fall as well as rise, you may recieve less than you invested
Please note FatGreen cannot advise on the transfer of a defined benefit pension

Pensions Plans
What is relevant for you may be inappropriate for somebody else, especially as the rules regulating pensions are complex.
If appropriate, we can provide advice on consolidating or switching your retirement savings to:
Deliver better value
Improve your options or give your more flexibilty
Please Note
"The value of pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested. Transferring out of a final salary pensions is unlikely to be in the best interest of most people."